So, I've been looking for my Knifty Knitter. It is a set of looms that you use to knit hats, scarves, etc. I finally found it in the basement the other day and I was so happy that I made Ella a little winter hat. Grace kept playing with the Knifty Knitter and I kept telling her to not put the little circles over her head or they would get stuck. Well, Grace didn't put the little one over her head...she put it over Ella's head. Needless to say, it got stuck.
So, here is little Ella with her new permanent Knifty Knitter necklace on. She does look good in red, but this is a little extreme... At this point, Jesse was getting a little worried because the loom was not going back over Ella's head. Jesse then informed me that Grace forcefully pushed it over Ella's head and that it was just not budging. I suggested rubbing butter on her forehead...
Ella wasn't scared at all, though. Here she is trying to take it off.
Sadly, this is what is left of my red loom. Jesse had to use a cutter from his tools to cut through it. Every time he took a squeeze at it Ella's eyes opened as big as saucers. Luckily, it wasn't too hard to cut through and Ella was safely freed from the Knifty Knitter's clutches!